Saturday, October 23, 2010

Welcome to blogging! (Finally!)

I can't believe how big the kids are getting. They are both overdue for dr's appointments but I put them both on the scale and Cade is already 18.5 pounds and Gabby is already 35lbs! She sure doesn't look like it! She looks like she is such a bean pole! She's wearing 3T pants and 4T or XS shirts. Definitely all muscle though. 

Developmentally I'm tired of my kids always being the last to do things. Its hard to hear friends saying how much their little ones are doing when yours aren't up to speed yet. Cade is 7.5 months old and isn't quite sitting up by himself yet, or crawling. Gabriella is 2.5 and has no desire to learn how to go to the potty. Every time I set her on there she will sit there for 2 seconds wipe and say all done. I guess at least she isn't scared of the potty but still I feel like she will be wearing diapers forever! If anyone has some tips or tricks for potty training her that would be great & also developmental things that we can do with the baby to get him back up to speed. I know he's "normal" but darn it I want him to show off already! Yes, I know I'll be complaining in 2 months when he's all over the place and getting into everything but thats all just part of the process!


  1. Hi Amanda! I hope you don't mind that I am following your blog! Feel free to follow mine and check it out anytime! I am glad you think I am good with the girls, but I know they miss you and Cade and Gabriella! I'm looking forward to checking out your blog!

  2. Aw thank you for following mine. I'll def follow yours too and I don't mind at all. Ellasen is so cute and I can't believe how much she's grown since a few weeks ago when I seen her. The girls just rave about you and ella too. I hope all else is going well!
